Independence – Freedom – Happiness
Ho Chi Minh City, 24th June, 2018
Independence – Freedom – Happiness
Ho Chi Minh City, 24th June, 2018
Thesis: “Activities of the People’s Police Force in preventing deliberate infliction of bodily harm committed by juvenile”.
Major: Criminology and Crime Prevention Code:
PhD Candidate: Vo Truong Tam Course: 2 - 2012
1. Ass. Prof. Dr. Tran Huu Ung
2. Ass. Prof. Dr. Vu Duc Trung
Training institution: The People’s Police University - Ministry of Public Security
New contributions of the thesis
Juvenile is the subject to be concerned and protected by the Vietnamese Communist Party, the State and the society. Juvenile crime prevention is an important mission that not only keeps social safety but it also plays strategic role in protection, taking care and education of future generation of our country. This reflects the preeminence of the socialism.
In recent years, the fact of juvenile crime has gone complicated, it is remarkable to see that deliberate infliction of bodily harm committed by juvenile has become more and more serious. The results of prosecuting, investigating and judging deliberate infliction of bodily harm committed by juvenile show that this crime is on increasing trend; its nature and modus operandi are more and more dangerous. Consequence of this crime not only impacts on victim’s health and life but also causes fear in public and affects social safety.
This situation came f-rom different causes and conditions. However, the main cause is the limitation in the prevention of the People’s Police Force. F-rom the situation analyzed above and f-rom the research, there hasn’t been any research or thesis on the activities of the People’s Police Force in preventing deliberate infliction of bodily harm committed by juvenile. That is the reason why the Ph.D candidate decided to choose the topic: “Activities of the People’s Police Force in preventing deliberate infliction of bodily harm committed by juvenile” for doctoral thesis because of the urgent issue, theoretical and practical matter in the current situation.
This doctoral thesis is a fully comprehensive and systematic research on the matter of prevention of deliberate infliction of bodily harm committed by juvenile conducted by the People’s Police Force.
The thesis presented the research on this topic in Vietnam and over the world, theoretical matters of the prevention of deliberate infliction of bodily harm committed by juvenile. It had built the definition and features of the activity of preventing deliberate infliction of bodily harm committed by juvenile. The thesis identified subjects and cooperation relation, content of the mission and methods of the activity of preventing deliberate infliction of bodily harm committed by juvenile. The thesis helps to supplement and complete the scientific theory of the the prevention of deliberate infliction of bodily harm committed by juvenile of the People’s Police Force.
The thesis researched, evaluated the right situations of the Police Force’s prevention of deliberate infliction of bodily harm committed by juvenile; and assessed the achievements, limitations and its reasons.
Basing on the research on the facts, the thesis provided scientific forecasts for the fact of deliberate infliction of bodily harm committed by juvenile and factors affecting directly the prevention of the People’s Police Force in the future.
The thesis proposed some comprehensive and feasible measures to enhance the effectiveness of the activity of the People’s Police Force in preventing deliberate infliction of bodily harm committed by juvenile in the future. This also helps to protect the national security and to secure the social safety in current age./.
SUPERVISORS First Supervisor: Ass. Prof. Dr. Tran Huu Ung Second Supervisor: Ass. Prof. Dr. Vu Duc Trung | PhD CANDIDATE Vo Truong Tam |
Tác giả: Lương Sỹ Đạo
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